These are a few of my favorite things….

13 04 2009

I decided to share some of my favorite things. Not just baby/kiddo related, I have some favorite me-things too 🙂

Today, I’ll share my love of cloth diapers and wipes. Ok, so, this might be more than a “love”…obsession may be a better term! 🙂

I think my new favorite diaper are Happy Heinys. We’ve used so many over the past almost year & 1/2, these are definitely taking the cake right now! They work perfectly on my long & lanky 2 year old and on my nearly 23lb chunky 8month old…Two thumbs up here!

My least favorite, by FAR, BumGenuis 3.0…good grief, they annoy me. The velcro tabs never stay on the wash tabs and connect to all the other diapers creating a lovely “train” of diapers”…the inserts, I can never get them in right, they’re always bunchy on one side…

Actually, let me take that back. The VERY last diaper I reach for is our Baby Kanga diaper…ugh…That says it all…

Some posts coming up…

9 03 2009

On our family blog, I posted about our cloth diaper adventures.  Since then, our journey has changed a bit. I’m going to tackle that topic again very soon…

I also keep promising to blog about why we’ve chosen a delayed vaccination schedule for our boys…

(geesh, I sound crunchy, lol)

I have also promised a few people that I would talk about our homemade baby food – not that it is all that exciting! lol But I do love talking about it!

What else should I share???

Looking ahead

31 12 2008

I decided to share some of my goals for 2009. I’ve never been one to make ‘resolutions’ but, for some reason, I feel compelled this year to set some goals… I think it’ll be neat to come back to this post in 365 days and see ‘how’ I did…Feel free to hold me accountable…ahem…

*I need to up the ante on my quiet times. Since B’s birth, I’ve really been slacking in my time with the Lord. I feel I’m lucky if I breathe most days…deep down I know that if I take that time with Him, it’ll all go much smoother…

*I want to ‘green’ up our home more. We’ve made the switch to cloth diapers, slowly to cloth wipes and I’ve been re-evaluating (and experimenting) with our cleaning solutions. Growing up, recycling was a big deal in our home and I looked forward to it every week (I’m a nerd, lol) however, since getting married, we haven’t recycled once. As this past year drew on, that really started to bug me. Zach could care less, so it’s all on me…

*Go through the alphabet with K (a letter a week, or so) and really focus on teaching that to him (OK, so I’m missing teaching too! haha! I’m excited to break out my pre-school curriculum and start working with him!)

*Make sure Zach knows just how much I appreciate and adore him

*Be a better steward of our money, especially in regards to meals in our home

*This is more of a long term goal, but, I have to start sometime…but, look into becoming a doula. I was encouraged by our doula to do so. It was something I thought about as B’s birth drew near, but I wanted to see how his birth went. I knew if I had another c-section, there was no way I could attend births of other women and see them fulfill their dreams while I quite possibly would never experience that. Since it turned out way better than I could have ever imagined, it’s made me more of an advocate for natural birth, and VBACs. So…yeh 🙂

What about you, what are your goals, dreams, ‘resolutions’ for 2009?

Happy New Year!

November is Cloth Diaper Month!!!

4 11 2008

One of my favorite blogs to read is a review blog by Andrea, called Mamma In Flip Flops2. She’s doing “many” reviews & giveaways this month!!! I’m so excited to see what she has in store!!!