How we do homemade…

9 03 2009

Oh how I love thee, my Magic Bullet!!!

you help me put smiles like this on the faces of my children!!!

img_4209That’s right, we make our own baby food 🙂

I started when our oldest son started solids. I tried to give as much homemade food to him as I could, but when I became pregnant shortly after introducing solids, I was lucky to find the energy to feed him – and most foods/smells did not sit with my stomach during those first few months.

I’ve been much more diligent about homemade food for our 2nd son. The only “container” food he has received is his oatmeal. He has, to date, had, oatmeal, apples, avocados, sweet potatoes, carrots and bananas – the boy could eat his weight in bananas…and that would be a lot of bananas….

WHY in the world would I waste my time making my child’s food when Gerber does it just fine? Lots of reasons – cost being one. I can buy a ton of fruits and veggies for what it would cost to feed B jarred food for just one day! Another factor is the green factor – think about how much waste is produced (even if you recycle) when buying jarred food. But the main reason we do homemade, is nutrition. So much is lost in the process of making ‘container’ food…and so much “other stuff” is added (why do you think it lasts so long?)

HOW do you find the time? 95% of the time, I make the food for B when I’m making a meal for the rest of us. While I’m waiting for a pot of water to boil – mash a banana…easy 🙂 This is also where My Beloved up top comes in – my Magic Bullet…sigh…Oh, yes….I was saying, got an apple, peel it, throw it in with a dash of water, screw on the blades, press, 10 seconds later – you have applesauce! So easy!

I do buy and make foods in bulk – as I type, I have about 10 snack size baggies (that I will reuse!) 😉 with 2-3 servings of avocado and sweet potato stored in them. Since Benjamin has already had both these foods, I can mix them in with other foods for a different taste anytime – his favorite is Banana & Avocados – of course, anything with bananas, this kid will go crazy over, lol!

Depending on the food, I will steam or bake it, if needed. I used to use ice cube trays, but in our move this past summer, they seem to have been misplaced, so I’ve been using my Pampered Chef Mini Muffin Pan – it works just as well as an ice cube tray! I fill that with food and plop it in the freezer. Once the “muffins” of food are frozen, I pick them out with a fork, place 2-3 in a snack size baggie, label it with food type and date (you need to use the food within 3 months) and stick it back in the freezer! Done!

When it’s time to eat, you can either have them thaw in the fridge overnight, or just stick them in a bowl in the microwave (just test the temperature before giving to baby!)

WHERE do you get your info? I love this site. The main info I have used off the site is when to introduce particular foods – Just because they can eat solids doesn’t mean you should go all willy-nilly! This information has definitely been the most valuable on this particular site. I have also loved seeing the various recipes on there, not only for baby food combinations, but also homemade teething biscuits and pancakes (ie: ways to add foods to gain more iron or protein to their diet).

WHAT about after purees? Simple – Just don’t mix it as smoothly 🙂 I also have received an amazing food grinder for my mixer. Once he’s eating chunkier food, this will help me make things thicker.

What information did I forget?? Ask away! 🙂

Some posts coming up…

9 03 2009

On our family blog, I posted about our cloth diaper adventures.  Since then, our journey has changed a bit. I’m going to tackle that topic again very soon…

I also keep promising to blog about why we’ve chosen a delayed vaccination schedule for our boys…

(geesh, I sound crunchy, lol)

I have also promised a few people that I would talk about our homemade baby food – not that it is all that exciting! lol But I do love talking about it!

What else should I share???