International Babywearing Week – How to use your Moby-Style Wrap

14 11 2008

*I apologize in advance. I intended there to be pictures with this post, however, the babe (B) fell asleep before I could get those done this evening. When we are able to do step-by-step pictures, I will include those in a new post.


My moby-Style wrap – This is my favorite “carrier” that I’ve used so far.

As I mentioned before, I have a hotsling, however, I can’t seem to get it “right”…

We have a Mei Tai, we’ve only used it a handful of times (I see it being very useful at outings this coming summer)…

And, I’d love to get my hands on a ring sling. Speaking of, Farrah at Baby Love Slings has oh-so-kindly offered a 15% off a $40 order discount to my readers!!!! (please use code BLOG15) THANK YOU FARRAH!!!

For now, I have my Moby Style wrap! And I LOVE it

When my friend, Becca, lent me hers when Keaton was about 6 weeks old, I was very intimidated. She just wrapped it around herself like she would put her socks and shoes on. But, she showed me step-by-step how to do it…and now, it’s second nature to me as well! 🙂

I only really use one carry – there are quite a few ways you can use the wrap – but this is what works for us right now (remember, Keaton hated it, so I didn’t get to wear him that much).


Fold the entire length of the fabric in half (length-wise so you have a really, really ridiculously long piece of fabric)

Find the center of your wrap and place it across your belly

Wrap the tails around your back and criss-cross across your back and back over your shoulders (there should be an “X” on your back)

Criss-cross the tails, again, this time, against your belly (“beneath” the center piece of fabric)

Finally, wrap the tails around your waist and tie (think, apron)

You are now wearing your wrap.


Place baby against one shoulder

Slide baby down your chest between your body and the “X” against you (from the side, it should look like, “parent/baby/”X”/center fabric”)

Depending on how your baby likes to “lie”, place their legs (When B was a newbie, he liked to be “squished” up; now, at 3 months, he likes to have his legs dangling while awake)

When he’s ready to sleep, I unfold the center piece of fabric down to cover his legs

I also slide the “shoulder fabric” over his head for more support as he sleeps.

*Again, this would be MUCH easier with pictures. I’ll try to have that posted by the end of the weekend!

International Babywearing Week – My pictures

13 11 2008

Steph, at Adventures in Babywearing, has started a post for everyone to share their pictures/stories/thoughts/etc… on babywearing.

Here are some pictures (mostly “self-portraits” so excuse the quality!)

We’d been trying for weeks to figure out the hotsling, then I realized, B could probably sit in it! And he loved it!!!


About a week ago, I did manage to get him to sleep in it! (the first time he didn’t scream while in the hotsling! – I’d also like to add, that I really have no idea how to use it this way! haha!)


B in the Moby style wrap about 3 weeks ago (10 weeks old)


Now a trip down memory lane! Here’s K in the Moby style wrap – June 07 (he’s about 2 months in this picture)


Now for my shameless plug! I hope to be opening up “shop” soon selling this style wrap (maybe some others if my “experiment” works out!) Also, I plan on having burp cloths, matching blankets, taggie blankets, and maybe a couple other things thrown in!

I’ll be calling these wraps “Kendi Wraps”, Kendi is African for The Loved One.

As these details get worked out, you will be updated!

International Babywearing Week – Structured Carriers

11 11 2008

Hi. I’m Terra. When Keaton was a tiny baby, I put him in a Snugli carrier.

Whew…glad I got that off my chest!

Ok, so I was being a bit dramatic. BUT, in actuality, you really need to be careful what you put your sweet baby in. Structured carriers (ie: Bjorn, Snugli, etc…) are getting better in their design, but, so many put undue pressure on babies’ developing body. I could cut & paste this entire article, but, just go read it for yourself…and think about the carriers you use for your sweet baby…


Next: I put what? Where? How to wear your baby in a Moby-style wrap! (And a shamless plug for my up & coming business!) 😉

International Babywearing Week – What we use

10 11 2008

Let me start by saying, I love wearing my baby!

Keaton hated it. I think in all the times I tried, he fell asleep 2 times (we have pictures of those two times!) I mainly wore him so I wouldn’t feel guilty that he was “alone” screaming (in the swing or where ever…because he screamed all. the. time.) I wore him so I could get things done. I have lots of theories of why he didn’t like it, but I think mostly, he didn’t like being confined.

Benjamin. He loves it. He loves being all snugly in my moby-style wrap and takes great naps in it. Very rarely does he continue to scream after putting him in the wrap.

I also have a hotsling. We’ve been working on getting B comfy in this (ie: me getting comfortable wearing it!) as it will definitely be easier on outings than the nearly 6 yards of fabric of the moby-style wrap! I actually put Keaton in it for a bit today and he loved it! I can’t see him using it on “outings” though – he likes to run free!

I also have a meitei style carrier that a friend made (I stood and observed!) My intent was to use this with Keaton, but that hasn’t happened a whole lot. has a list of 43 reason to wear your baby found here.

Dr. Sears also has a great article on babywearing as well.

Questions? 🙂

Tomorrow: Why not “frame” style carriers (ie: Snugli, Bjorn, etc…)