Random entry

3 11 2008

As of late, I’ve begun to post a lot of “random” things on our family blog that I feel don’t belong there and really take away from the purpose of that blog – to share our family with others. The point of this blog will be to ramble – about whatever I feel like (giveaways, freebies, rants about other drivers, random thoughts I have, etc…)

For those “new” here (read: those who don’t know my family) – I’ve been married to my amazing husband, Zach, for roughly 3.5 years (at the time of writing this!) We have 2 sweet boys – K (almost 19 mos) and B (2.5) months. Yes. We have our hands full. Yes we know what “causes” that. And yes, I love them being so close. K loves on his little brother all day (which is why they’re both sick…again, at the time of writing this!)

I have a couple other blogs, in addition to our family blog. I also have my recipe blog, a giveaway blog, and “Help with sides” – I started this because, although I love cooking/baking, I NEVER know what to make WITH meals. I started it in hopes that people would give me ideas…but none, so far. Alas.

Now that I’ve made the “official” first entry, I can get started on my ramblings 🙂

Sit back, snuggle up under a warm blanket and enjoy the ride of motherhood!