Looking ahead

31 12 2008

I decided to share some of my goals for 2009. I’ve never been one to make ‘resolutions’ but, for some reason, I feel compelled this year to set some goals… I think it’ll be neat to come back to this post in 365 days and see ‘how’ I did…Feel free to hold me accountable…ahem…

*I need to up the ante on my quiet times. Since B’s birth, I’ve really been slacking in my time with the Lord. I feel I’m lucky if I breathe most days…deep down I know that if I take that time with Him, it’ll all go much smoother…

*I want to ‘green’ up our home more. We’ve made the switch to cloth diapers, slowly to cloth wipes and I’ve been re-evaluating (and experimenting) with our cleaning solutions. Growing up, recycling was a big deal in our home and I looked forward to it every week (I’m a nerd, lol) however, since getting married, we haven’t recycled once. As this past year drew on, that really started to bug me. Zach could care less, so it’s all on me…

*Go through the alphabet with K (a letter a week, or so) and really focus on teaching that to him (OK, so I’m missing teaching too! haha! I’m excited to break out my pre-school curriculum and start working with him!)

*Make sure Zach knows just how much I appreciate and adore him

*Be a better steward of our money, especially in regards to meals in our home

*This is more of a long term goal, but, I have to start sometime…but, look into becoming a doula. I was encouraged by our doula to do so. It was something I thought about as B’s birth drew near, but I wanted to see how his birth went. I knew if I had another c-section, there was no way I could attend births of other women and see them fulfill their dreams while I quite possibly would never experience that. Since it turned out way better than I could have ever imagined, it’s made me more of an advocate for natural birth, and VBACs. So…yeh 🙂

What about you, what are your goals, dreams, ‘resolutions’ for 2009?

Happy New Year!